Saturday, November 19, 2011


If you think animals with a good diet taste better...   Octopus is for you!

The octopus is a cephalopod with around 300 different species. Like many lizards that can loose and grow back their tales, the octopus can detach and regrow their arms. They can also change colors to match their environment like a chameleon. Another unique defense they use is the projection of ink to cloud the water for an escape from predators. The octopus is a very smart animal. They are able to distinguish between real and mirrored images as well knowing their shapes and colors. These magnificent animals also are able to show emotion. Enough about their defences and brains, we are here for food. I am jealous of the octopuses diet. They feed like kings. Although they dine on fish, snails, shellfish, crustaceans, turtles and other octopus they still live short lives. Many live only to be between six months and five years old. That is with out humans killing them for food. Here is a recipe for an octopus appetizer for you who have your very own octopus.

Tender Pressure-Cooked
10-15   Baby or Small Octopus
1   Clementine
3tbl.   Sesame Oil
46oz.   Coconut Milk
1tbl.   Olive Oil
1tsp.   Red Pepper Flakes
to cover   H2O
Saffron flavored rice
Chili Sauce (your favorite kind)

- Add the first seven ingredients to a pressure-cooker
- Cover and cook for 15-20min.
- Place Spinach on plate and top with Saffron Rice
- Top the rice with the Octopus and garnish with Chili Sauce

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